Algebra Section 4:
Linear Functions, Slope and Regressions

  1. Linear Thinking
    (Use an automatic grapher to check situations for their "linear qualities".)
  2. Solving equations of the form ax=b VIDEO
  3. Use the equation to CONTROL the graph
    (Explore how changing simple numbers and signs in an equation will change your line.)
  4. Slope Scenarios Lesson and Activity
  5. Find Your Other Half
    (Play this game by searching for your slope mate.)
  6. The Horrible Crystaline Computer Virus FRED
    (Draw the latest cyber scourge by using slope and y intercept.)
  7. Linear Regression Day 1 - "The Secret, Message, Whisper, Chain"
  8. Linear Regression Day 2 - Find the line of "best fit" using the least squares method
    (This is an interactive java sketchpad tool.)
  9. Linear Regression Day 3 -"The Rectangle Family"
    (Get your own data and work it.)
  10. Linear Regression Day 4 - "The Walmart Live or Die Scenario"
  11. Linear Regression Day 5 - Barbie Bungee
    (Design a bungee line for Barbie using linear regression.)
  12. Lesson 490: Solving Inequalities
  13. Garzon's Pizza Dough Machine Problem
    (Help Garzon by graphing all the possibilities to this linear inequality in two variables.)

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