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D.O.T.S. The Difference of Two Squares:

Occasionally we find a product of two binomials where the outside and inside terms add to ZERO. This will happen whenever you multiply binomials that are alike except for the signs in front of the last terms.

EX: (x+2)(x-2) Here the only difference is the sign before the twos.

When we multiply using F.O.I.L. we get,


Notice the center terms add to ZERO.

*This answer is a difference of two square numbers, x squared and 4.

**Some math teachers refer to this as D.O.T.S., "difference of two squares."


*If you are ever asked to factor a difference of two squares into its binomial factors, it's easy; just set up your two binomials,


Put a plus sign in one quantity and a minus sign in the other.


Then take the positive square root of the terms in your "difference of two squares", , and place them in the first and last spots of the binomials.

Here you try one:

CLICK for the answer.


Factor 144x^2 - y^2

If you got that one correct try these:


























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