Factoring Crossnumber Puzzle 1

Test your factoring knowledge with this puzzle.

7 9
1 2 8
3 4
6 10
5 13 11
14 12



1) (x-4)^2 = x^2 - 8x + ___?

3) The coefficient of "x" when (3x+3)(9x+7) are multiplied

5) The product of (-9) and one of the answers to 3x^2 + 23x - 8 = 0

6) The prime number between 17 and 23 times the numerical coeficient on the
" x^2" term when (2x-8)(5x+13) are multiplied

8) Ten, times the product of the two answers of x^2-21x+108=0

11) Double the prime number x, where 13<x<19

12) Take six times the largest answer to the equation m^3 - 16m=0

14) Multiply all of the prime nos. less than 14 and add 8 to this product

15) The product of the two smallest prime nos. and 112

16) Take the G.C.F. of 15x^2+20xy-35y^2 times the numerical coefficient on the "x" term of the product of (x+46)(x+55)

2) The constant term when (x+8)^2 is multiplied out

4) Multiply (x-11)(x+11), then take (-7) times the constant term

6) One of the answers to x^2-7x=78

7) Ten to the third power is ?

9) The only even prime no. raised to the third power plus 2

10) Multiply (7a^2-13y)(4a^3+20x), then take the coefficient of the "xy" term times the coefficient of the "a^3y" term times 7.

12) The G.C.F. of 50x^2y+75y-125x

13) Find two, consecutive, positive, odd integers whose product is 35. Then add these two together and take that sum times 24

14) If a number is added to twice its square, the result is 6. There are two nos. in the world for which this is true. Find them. Then take the SMALLER of the two and multiply it by (-193).

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