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340 A Brief History of Percent
(There's a heap o' evil in them there numbers.)

Some historical background that may amaze you and will definitely help you to remember what % means.

Your imagination to take you back in time

Close your eyes and go back in time,...back...back..back...about 800 years to a time when school does not exist. People are dead by age 30, and little kids must work from the time they can walk until the day they die. This time in history is commonly referred to as "the dark ages" , (a time in western European history stretching from the 5th century into the 15 century), because the light of knowledge is almost totally extinguished.

*Photo by Eric Valli and Diane Summers
It is a time when

Imagine not knowing that germs cause sickness. One day you are the picture of health, working hard in your field, breathing deeply the warm fresh air. You come upon a pile of human excrement, you kick it aside and continue on your way.

The next morning you wake up all achy and burning up with fever. Your stomach is turning inside out. You vomit uncontrollably and cannot hold your bowels either. Your mother cleans the mess you make by scooping it up and throwing it in the back yard where all the animals can run through it and actually eat it.

By the end of two days of this you are so dehydrated that you pass into a fever induced coma, and you die on the third day. All the members of your family are terrified. You were just fine three days ago. How could this have happened? Will it happen to them next?

Your family desperately needs to understand what caused your horrible death, but they lack even the most basic scientific knowledge to help explain it; so their human need to understand this loss will force them to invent a reason. This is how superstition is born and grows strong.

In your case, your family chooses to believe that an evil demon in the form of a black bird came upon you in the field, and as he flew over you, he screamed out your name, and placed this curse of death upon you.

After this, all the members of your family will try to kill every black bird they see. They will also wear pieces of wool stuffed into their ears while working in their field so that they cannot hear if a similar bird calls out THEIR name.


Okay, so where does percent fit into all of this? We'll tell you now.

Even though in the dark ages, most people were totally uneducated and chained by superstition, not everyone was. There was one group of people who did have knowledge. They were a very select group who knew that they could control the masses if they could keep them ignorant. For they knew that ignorant people always believe what they are told, especially if they are scared, and if they are told by someone whom they view as an "authority figure" or powerful person.

This select group were the priests. To gain and keep the ignorant people under their control, they told them that bad things happened because of evil demons. The only way to keep the demons away was to give the priest their allegiance, labor, money and food. For this the priest would pray that the demons would not strike. Believe it or not, the people bought into this. They believed it through and through.

Now to keep the people ignorant about money and math so that they would not realize how much was being stolen from them, the priest told them that numbers of any kind were devil symbols. It was forbidden to talk of money or mathematical matters. To disobey would surely bring the black demons of death to your household. Imagine, they believed that saying, "2+2=4," would send you to hell.

Now imagine you are a peddler with a cute little covered wagon filled with toys, cloth, herbs, pots, even a few jewels, and you are trying to conduct your business in this superstitiously infected land. You enter a village, set up your wagon, and beckon the folks to come and buy.

However as soon as you say, "That beautiful piece of silk is only 50 cents," the villagers pick up rocks and begin stoning you for the devil that you surely are because you said the number fifty.

It was impossible to conduct monetary business in this culture. The only form of exchange allowed was barter: I'll give you this if you give me that. Finally these peddlers had enough of being stoned and spit at and run out of towns. They got together and decided to fight superstition with superstition.

They decided to invent a word and a symbol that would "cast the devil out" of every number it came after. Thus the percent symbol was born.

Percent signs were used to cast he demons out of numbers.

The peddlers told the people that God had spoken to them in multiple dreams and showed them this ancient, powerful symbol. The name of the symbol was PERCENT, and if you said this word after saying a number or wrote the symbol after writing a number, the evil spirits would be vanquished and spirits of wealth and prosperity would take their place. Thus using the percent concept could actually increase the luck of a family and protect them against evil.


It was all about MONEY. Now to make their lives easier, these medieval businessmen decided to let the word "percent" represent 1 cent. So if they wanted 50¢ for a piece of cloth, they would say, "That will be 50 percent please."

When writing the prices on signs, they would write, "120%" for something that they wanted 120 cents. Of course today we would write $1.20 as the price, because we use decimal notation, and 120 cents is equivalent to 1.20 dollars.

SO JUST REMEMBER, "percent" means cent(s). If you need to think in terms of fractions, remember a cent is 1/100. So "percent" also means parts out of 100.


ONE FINAL NOTE: The concept of "percent" was what allowed a money mode of exchange to develop towards the end of the dark ages. Once commerce slowly began to thrive and the Protestant reformation came about, the church had less of a stronghold upon the masses and the Renaissance began to blossom.

Even today, the concept of percent persists. We no longer need the % sign to cast out the demons, and most people have no idea that % was born from a need to fight superstition. Nevertheless, it is so deeply ingrained in our culture that we continue to use it. You will see percent signs wherever money is involved: the stock market, stores, banks, insurance rates, etc. The concept of "parts out of 100" is so widespread that you will even see it used in other areas today such as reporting the weather, "There is a 40% chance of rain today."

REMEMBER though, none of these percent numbers can be used in a calculation until it is changed into a decimal or a fraction! So in actuality they are a waste of time, because they add an additional step to every problem of which they are a part.

  1. Suppose a medieval businessman had a sign that said, "Dried dear stomachs 35% each." What would that translate to in our money today? (answer)

  2. What if the sign said, "Axes 480%?" (answer)

  3. What if the sign said, "Rock Sugar Candy 5%?" (answer)

Some thought for teaching this lesson

350 Converting Percents to Decimal and Fractions

360 set up a proportion to solve % problems

370 set up an equation to solve percent problems

The Customizable Percent Test

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